MooAccordion show/hide plugin demo and tutorial
This is a demo for the MooAccordion show/hide (in articles) Joomla plugin to show it in action and explain how to use css to add image icons to illustrate when the accordion sections are expanded and collapsed (and indicate that they are meant to be toggled). The toggling is achieved using CSS image sprites, so both states of the icon are contained in one file, and the image change is achieved just by modifying the CSS background-position.
In order to achieve this effect on your own site, you will need to put a copy of the icon image file somewhere on your server and then update your template’s CSS to include the CSS code specified at the end of this tutorial. You can edit your template’s css by going to Extensions → Template Manager, selecting your template, and then selecting the “Edit CSS” button. Note: make sure to modify the image icon url specified in the lines that say background: url()
to point to wherever you uploaded the image on your server.
These are the image files used:
Here is an example of what the final product looks like:
[The] Slowest Runner [in all the World]
“The Slowest Runner In All The World is an instrumental post-baroque band housed in Brooklyn that combines strings and piano with a traditional rock setup and experimental sound manipulation techniques for a uniquely-embellished sound.” — description from
At roughly one hour long, We, Burning Giraffes is a labyrinth. It’s one of those albums where your perception of its quality is dependent on the amount of time you spend with it. At worst, it’s a boring instrumental record; at best, a world teeming with intricacies. But honestly, to be too lazy to know it as anything short of the latter is almost tragic — We, Burning Giraffes is one of the most daring experimental post-rock works of the year.
[The] Slowest Runner [in all the World], as they like to be punctuated, is a six-piece from Brooklyn, New York that bills themselves as a “post-baroque” act. It’s not hard to see why; on We, Burning Giraffes, they often wear a classical influence on their sleeves, like in the opening minutes of “Aembers/Guggenheim,” which sound like a passage from Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” (though you can also hear hints of Jeff Buckley’s version of “Hallelujah”). But they’re much more than just an old fashioned The Ascent of Everest, as they show in “Zoe Machete Control’s” jazzy, barista-mood keys, which eventually evolve into loud and fuzzy guitars, and in the “[Oscillation]” series, which take a page from ambient drone label mates We All Inherit the Moon. And “We, Burning Giraffes” shows they know how to throw a majestic, standout climax on a commonplace post-rock build. So the band has no shortage of talent, and in multiple facets of the instrumental trade, too.
text from
Nico Muhly
A contemporary classical composer and conductor, Nico Muhly was born in Vermont in 1981. After graduating from Columbia University, Muhly went on to earn a Masters Degree in Music from Juilliard. He worked on a number of well received projects, including a cantata on the Elements of Style by Strunk & White. Muhly also included film scoring on his résumé, composing the music to Choking Man in 2006 and Joshua in 2007. His abilities to move from genre to genre soon paid off, and Muhly began working with some of the music world's most well known names, including Björk, Antony (of Antony & the Johnsons), and Bonnie "Prince" Billy (not to mention working with modern classical composer Philip Glass). In 2006, his debut recording Speaks Volumes was released. It was followed in 2008 by a collection of his collaborations with other artists titled Ekvilibrium. The next goal on Muhly's drawing board was a follow-up to his debut, the collection Mothertongue.
text from
Guillermo Klein
Guillermo Klein moved from his native Argentina to Boston in 1990 to study at Berklee College of Music. In 1993 he moved to New York where he formed an inventive 17-piece big band. The band played Sunday nights at the underground club Smalls throughout 1995. Several years later, a newer, larger club called the Jazz Standard gave the Guillermo Klein Big Band a regular Monday night gig for several months. Klein also performed and recorded with a ten-piece ensemble called los Guachos, which featured the likes of Bill McHenry, Chris Cheek, Ben Monder, and others. The band's debut on Candid Records was never released, but Sunnyside picked up Los Guachos Vol. 2 for release in 1999. Unfortunately for the New York jazz scene, Klein moved back to Argentina in September of 2000.
text from
and another one, this time with the triangle icons:
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How it’s done (the css):
.mooblock-title {
color: #333b62;
text-align: left;
background: url("../images/icon-showhide1.png") no-repeat -24px -1px;
padding-left: 22px;
margin: 0.7em 0 0;
.mooblock-title.expanded {
background-position: 0 -28px;
.mooblock-el {
padding-left: 22px;
The CSS for adding the second icon is almost the same, though both background positions are slightly different. Instead of -24px -1px
, use -25px 1px
, and instead of 0 -28px
, use 1px -28px
. Also, update the image url to icon-showhide2.png
. And lastly, you may want to remove color: #333b62;
and just rely on your template’s default text color.
As you can see from the CSS code, the class that is added to the title elements when they are expanded is, appropriately, expanded
. You can specify any styles you want only for that class, and they will apply only to active titles. Also, the general class for all titles is mooblock-title
, and for all show/hide blocks is mooblock-el